Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Maui Real Estate Photographers

Plenty of photographers are running around Maui with newly purchased digital cameras boasting a zillion mega pixels pretending to be professional photographers. The conventional wisdom is that anybody can shoot a condo. A lot of realtors and condo owners call me and want a price quote. Problem is, it's not like buying a drill at Wal-Mart versus Home Depot, in this instance you really do get what you pay for. Does your photographer have 20 years of experience? Does he bring an assistant and stage the rooms for maximum effect? Does he shoot in RAW format (does he even know what RAW format is)? Does he have a laptop for large previews or does he have to borrow your reading glasses to see the tiny screen on the back of his camera? Truth is, anybody CAN shoot a condo or upscale house. The question is: How well? Maui Commercial Photographers will bring all the experience and equipment noted above plus our unbridled enthusiasm and creativity to your project. You'll love the results.